Friday, October 2, 2009

Slack Day

Today, I have been really lazy, reached home at 5pm only to use the com, to read naruto and one piece, and to play mafia wars. Then, I went to sleep at 6pm, for 1.5 hrs and had dinner at 7.30pm. That means that i wasted 2.5 hrs of precious time that should have been used for studying! If only I can reverse time by turning back the minute and hour hands of the wall clock. Let me try…

Shit! It failed. My wall clock reads 5pm, so does my watch, but the sky is as dark as ever. Fine, I have to accept that it is 2.5 hrs lost. Now, i need to plan the next 3 hrs carefully to regain lost time. Lets look at the homework which I have to complete.

1. 1 exposition
2. Rewrite Prelim 3’s English essay and speech
3. 1 Math paper
4. 1 A Math paper
5. Bio worksheet
6. Chem worksheet
7. Phy worksheet

Think about it makes me want to puke. Some of them is really a waste of time. Can i don’t do Maths, A Maths and Physics?

Anw, outside homework, I suspect that is a new flu bug in school, or that it is the next wave of H1N1. A lot of ppl are falling sick. I hope that the bout of H1N1 I had in June will give me some partial resistance to this flu bug.

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