Thursday, November 27, 2008

'Memories are playing like film without sound'

After getting my bike fixed, I cycled to Kerbun Baru Primary School (CHS primary former campus). It brought back many old memories.

The journey there was shorter than I imagined. It was easy, except for the steep slopes near St. Nic. Those slopes remind me of sec 3 camp. If you were to cycle up and down those slopes 100 times, you will have a nice idea of what sec 3 camp is like.

When I reach there, I want to go into the school compound, but it was locked. So, I can only look at it from outside. Despite that, it still brought back many old memories. I remembered how we caught grasshoppers in the field; how I stood outside the staffroom during recess; how we kicked sand around in the field and got our shoes dirty; how we ran around the tracks during TAF...

'Memories are playing like film without sound'

I cycled a few rounds around the school before heading home.

Monday, November 24, 2008

con. camp

30 minutes later, i was on the bus. I kept worrying that I will be late cos I did not have a watch to confirm.

When I reached the church, I sensed that something was wrong. IT was silent. There was no noise, no movement, no one. I went to the parish office to inquire. I met father Gerard and realize that I was supposed to go to Sembawang challenge camp directly! Almost died. I took a cab there. It exhausted all my funds. I was almost late.

What a nice warm up before the camp.

After registration, they divide us into groups. They screwed it up a little. My name was called twice, in two different groups. In the end, I was pushed into pineapple’s group cos they have a lesser amount of people.

After that, they show us an ‘Oscar’ winning video. Here are my comments for that video and the rest of the videos that are shown in the camp. I think that thy put in a lot of effort in making the videos. The content was good.

However, technically, it is not so good. They made two unforgivable mistakes which is commonly made in many home made videos.

1) Poor audio. They should record the video and sound separately.
2) Very weird, MOVING, camera angles. It made the video very messy. Good neat videos are filled with fixed, still camera angles. Moving camera angles should not be attempted unless the camera can be moved in a uniform speed.

The ice breakers was interesting, I think that my group is good. There was a bit of communication between group members. I will rate them 3/5. It was OK while we were working on the task. It was fun when we opened numbers to decide who to do stuff. But outside that, it was crap. The girls talk among themselves and the guys were stoning. We only communicated while working on a task.

During bedtime, it was not easy to sleep. I did not sleep as early as I seem. Actually, I was only pretending to be asleep when they turned the fan to their side cos I hate the cold. I want to sleep so I had to focus on something. I was deciding which world I should go to. (The main worlds in my mind are: Philosophy world, Science world, Manga world, Crush world and reality) I decided that I shall venture into the crush world tonight. Hmm… What will happen if she is in my group? I pondered as I slowly melt into dreamland.

The morning PT was pathetic. My arms are really itchy, I want to do push ups. I want to run. Ahh!!! I was ready to show my power but they give us such a pathetic PT. Dam them.

The sessions after that were really interesting. The session Mr. Apple took was fun. It was about doing something (Anything) to kill time. It is fun.

The most interesting session was Father Gerard’s Session about Sin, Life, Death and the apocalypse. I was really interested as they are the main topics in my philosophy world. I paid attention to this session.

Writing warm fuzzies was OK, except the special one for Ms Mangosteen. I had a headache while thinking. Should I even write at all? What should I write? Then, I remembered a certain recount Mr. Apple told us. It was about him and his wife. I decided to use a certain phrase in that recount to my advantage.

That night we had reconciliation. It was the best reconciliation I ever had. I spent all the time reflecting carefully. I even confessed my darkest sins. I felt really great after saying them out loud. It was really good.

During bedtime, I ventured into philosophy world. What are elements are greater than death? (God, life, love, happiness, memory, love…) However, thinking of those require a lot of RAM, I will not be able to sleep if I kept thinking of those stuff. In the end, I slept thinking which world should I switch to.

I woke up at 6+, close to 7am. I decided that I should not sleep anymore as I should have sometime to warm up before they wake everybody up. So I set on my bed for a long long time. After that I went to wash up. I expect everyone to wake up when I returned. However, I came back and still find everyone sleeping. So I sat on my bed and think of possibilities (obviously something is wrong), reflect on the past few days, spin my pen, worrying what will happen after Ms Mangosteen read the special fuzzy…

They finally decided to wake everyone up at 9.00am. This means I sat on my bed for two hours! I found out that wake us up so late cos a tragedy happened last night while I was sleeping. Many people woke up but I was sleeping like a pig, thus I do not know anything until then.

After that we prayed for the people who are hurt in the tragedy and wrote get well cards.

The collection of warm fuzzies was interesting. I have a nice number of warm fuzzies. I wanted to vanish on the spot when I saw Ms Mangosteen reading her warm fuzzies. I think I am pathetic. AHHH!

After that we had mass.

The end.

I think this post is rather brief. If i go into details, it will be x2 this length

Thursday, November 20, 2008

30 minutes

In roughly 30 mins, it is my confirmation camp! Dam excited.

I decided to bring my sleeping bag for this camp, even though they stated that it is not necessary cos we are sleeping in bunks and i will look stupid with a sleeping bag. However, i think that it will be really cold at night, from past experiences, cos i am sleeping with crazy people whose life ambition is to sleep in north pole. Thus a sleeping bag will make a good blanket.

Will be back on sunday

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WX proudly presents...

Finally finished it! Aiming to replace the current brotherhood video. Did it quite fast, only spent about 10 hours on it.(Below average) Will only continue working on it once i get a new set of footage. If anyone got any useful videos and would like to help, please send it to me.

Constructive comments are welcomed. Comments about quality are not constructive and will be ignored.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Library CIP

I have been doing CIP in AMK library. Last Thursday was the last day. I did 3 hrs everyday, for 10 days. Thus, I would have gained 30 hrs of CIP. Besides that, I also have a great time. It was a very interesting experience.

I did shelving for the first 3 days. Although it was boring, but I kinda miss it. I have to arrange books in alphabetical order, neatly on the shelves. I think it was very beneficial. If I were to do shelving for 10 days straight, I should be able to recite all the alphabets in reverse order.

However, on the fourth day, there was a change of staff. The new batch of staff has enough people to do shelving, so the CIP students do not do shelving anymore. Instead of shelving, they made me promote the email notification service instead. It was quite interesting; I met some people from school. However, the fun did not last, it gets boring very quickly. I soon find myself glancing at my watch very 5 mins.

On the eightieth day, they felt that very little people come to the library on weekends, so they gave me a new job. They made me scan through children books and discard books that were old or torn. It was more interesting. At least I get to read some fairytale when no one was looking.

The ninth day was the most interesting. When I was scanning through the books, one library staff suddenly yelled, ‘lets play donkey’. So, they all went into a room and played donkey. From the laughter emitting from the room, I can infer that they were having a great time. I was quite shocked when I see this happening. I didn’t know it was so fun working.

After they were done with the game, they came out of the room discussing on how the forfeit was too light and what should the forfeit be the next time they play. The new forfeit is that the loser must wear a hat saying ‘I am the donkey’ as long as he is in the office. LOL

However, someone change the topic halfway. They went on to discuss about a serious subject, politics, in a not so serious manner. They discuss about how politicians whack their opponents with microphones. LOL. It was very nice; there was a lot of fun and laughter on that day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

biking in the rain

Today is my second session of biking in the holidays. It was an interesting experience. I intend to cycle to kebun baru pri school (Catholic High School Primary’s former campus). I did not manage to reach there the previous time cos I got lost and went to AMK secondary school than to pierce instead.

I started to make my way there after two rounds of warm up in Bishan park. However it rained very heavily when I was half way there. I decided it was too heavy and I cannot carry on my journey. So, I decided to cycle in a random void deck to hide from the rain.

Cycling in the void deck made me realized that it is more courageous, more exciting to cycle in the rain compared to hiding in a void deck, Anyone can hide, the strong are those that dare to face challenges instead of hiding from it. I decided to cycle home in the rain.

I cycled very slowly, not because I am afraid that I will fall, but because I cherish the moment. I want to remember how the rain pound against my face, how the rain tastes like water, how my wet shirt sticks on my skin.

It was an interesting experience. I love interesting experiences.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Toys Buffet

I went for the Toys Buffet CIP, not because I need CIP hours, but cos I am inspired by the manga Aishiteruze Baby. After reading that manga, I feel that taking care of kids is really fun, so I signed up for this CIP.

This event did not go as I fantasized. It was crowded, chaotic and badly planned. There were a lot of people, about 130+ sec2s, 90 more people from other schools and only 2 SEC3s, me and toufu. There were people that did all the work and people that did nothing at all. The slackers have hours of free time. ( I saw some ACS people playing bridge) The enthusiastic did not even have proper lunch. There is also a serious lack of communication. Many child ambassadors do not even know when is each shift coming or leaving.

Despite all the negative points, I enjoyed it. It was fun.

I was hoping to be a child ambassador so that I can interact with kids. However, I landed in a ‘Special Special Force’. If they had been honest, it would have been called Sai-Kang Group. They made us shift about 100 crates of drinks from the storeroom, to the stage, to the back stage and then to the canteen. After that, we have almost nothing to do. However, even though there were about 100 child ambassadors, 50 of them were slacking. Thus there was a shortage of manpower. So we were told to become child ambassadors and take care of kids. YAY!

Toufu left at 4pm. So I became the only sec3 there. Sucks to be me.

It ended at about 5.30pm. After that was cleaning up time. I stacked chairs, packed leftover toys and picked up rubbish. I was the only sec3 there so I have a give-me-something-to-do-and-I-will-do-it attitude as I do not want to be left out. After we cleaned the place, we helped the primary school teachers to arrange 300 chairs cos they have a mammoth activity, called primary 1 registration. In the end, I went home at about 7.30pm although the event ended at 5.30pm.

Note: Do not get the wrong idea. The way I write seem like I regretted participating. However, the truth is, I enjoyed it. I liked it. I do not regret attending it. It was a meaningful experience. It was fun. It was a good deed.