Sunday, October 19, 2008


Saikano AKA The Last love song on this little planet AKA Saishuu Heiki Kanojo

I bumped onto this brilliant manga and wants to talk about it.

The story begins with Shuji and Chise falling in love. Shuji is very unsure of his initial feelings for Chise and feels that their relationship is more trouble than its worth, though his feelings deepen as the story progresses.

Chise is a shy, clumsy girl with very little self-esteem and has poor grades in everything except for World History.

However, after an air raid in Sapporo, Shuji found out that Chise is actually a War Machine. She is a Cyborg and is in the army. She constantly helps Japan fight their invaders.

The series revolves around her and her fading humanity, the more she uses her powers, the less human she becomes. Soon, weapon-side starts to take over her body. In the end, her love for Shuji is the last of her humanity she can cling onto.

The happy parts in the story are very sweet (Chapter1-10, Chapter 60-72), however, the tragic parts (middle) in the story are very very tragic. Thus, I don’t recommend this manga if you are very emotional.

The manga has a lot of nice morals. I realize that power isn’t very important, every thing fade away in the face of death, making everyone equal. Instead of gathering more power, we should spend our loving, cherishing the people around us, making a difference in their lives.

The ending reminds me of a quote for Steve Jobs, ‘Everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.’ I really liked this manga very much.

Rating 9/10

Now, I am into romance mangas. ^-^

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